
Monday, December 20, 2010


Okay, so this last few days, I've gotten some pretty good blogging done, but it's all in a notepad in my room. Forgive me.

In the interim, I'd like to confess that I have a problem.

Not just any problem. An achievement problem.

I first really noticed that it was a problem in my all-time favorite horrible, horrible addiction World of Warcraft. I say this, because my Death Knight, who is never getting played again after this holiday is out, is an inch away from 310% flying via [What A Long, Strange, Trip It's Been]. Three achievements away, actually, as of this writing. Waiting in queue for half an hour when the average is supposedly five is awesome.

Let me repeat that: I'm about to complete one of the longest, most annoying achievements in World of Warcraft ... on a character I'm never going to play. Again. Ever, pretty much.

Does ... something seem a little bit wrong about that to you?

Then I noticed that I'm also like that in other games. Not to the frothing extent of 'must play with other people to get the wide variety of non-soloable achievements in Fable II' or anything, but if I can solo it and I'm in the area, I tend to do it. Like, for example, doing a daytime level exclusively with mushrooms on Plants Vs. Zombies. That was ... painful. I'm going to go with painful, moreso even than doing a nighttime level with only daytime plants, because after I'm done building up sunlight, all of my mushrooms get evicted on night levels ANYWAY.

Why put myself through this?

Well, it's fun, I guess. I mean, there's a sense of accomplishment and I pretty much play games specifically for that sense of accomplishment. Even if it is fictitious, it still warms the dark places of my heart. Plus, in games like Plants Vs. Zombies, it gives me something to do for a lot longer than just 'finish the game.'

On the topic of sense of accomplishment, however, I want to mention that I'm more or less doing about half of the art and half of the scriptwriting for this comic Mom always wanted to write. You should check it out. It's pretty awesome looking if I do say so myself.

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