
Friday, January 21, 2011

Cold Pain

I remember one time when I was a young child, I was leaving a friend's house in the winter. It was cold, and it was snowing. I slid off their porch and fell into a snowbank, bare-handed. I remember I was screaming and crying because of how much it hurt, and how cold I was.

And how alone.

I learned later that my friend's parents forced him not to come out and check on me, but at the time I had no idea what was wrong.

I just walked home.


I bring this up, because my hands hurt right now, like they always do when I get too cold.

The temperature outside is literally 0° Farenheit. I have two pairs of gloves on and my car's heater is running, but the pain in my fingertips remains intense. It is a serious distraction from driving, so despite the fact that the roads are clearer, I feel just as unsafe. This isn't helped by the fact that all the snow that fell yesterday is now blowing across the highway in visible streams of wind.

It is so cold.

So very cold.

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