
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Two Strange Things

One: I poked in to check my emails (like I do about once every couple of days) on Yahoo (today, Tuesday, July 12, 2011), to have this charming instant message from a name I've never seen before.

From: charmaineimperioyhzx

Message: fade ffffffm8xc gHaut eW 6kN9o 9WWW.X1U.EUm

What. The. Fuck? I had an email a while back that I probably should've deleted straight up, as well, just spam but written in the ... most interesting of fashions. I can't find it anymore, anyway.

Probably reading too much into this but seriously, what the hell? Straight advertisement would read ... well, at all. I can't make heads nor tails of that. There didn't appear to be any attachments either ... feck, I dunno.

Oh, and the second one, which amused me greatly - the fanfiction piece I hammered out in about 45 minutes after finishing Fable II still gets more love than the epic I've been toying with off and on about Oblivion for literally years. Someone replied to each and every chapter with a response - we're talking one paragraph, maybe two or even a whole page per chapter, and the responses often as long as the chapters themselves.

I guess I'm just happy people like some of the things I write.


  1. I got the same massage but as a messenger massage I hate spam, yahoo should really work a lot to make their mail like Gmail!

  2. If you look, it actually was a 'messenger message.' Checking my email just happened to put me in view of yahoo's online instant messenger.

    Think I'll reserve judgement; I don't really check my email that much.

  3. I have never in my entire 62 years of life read such a load of infantile bullshit by brain dead wankers with nothing better to do than send tripe over the internet.

  4. By that, d'you mean the messages or the blog? :P

    No, but I understand. It'd be one thing if it was some kind of marketing or something - at least I can understand that - but gibberish is confusing and utterly useless.

    ... huh, it won't let me comment on my own blog. Or stay signed in.
