
Friday, July 22, 2011

10 More Things Not to Do in a LoL Match

11. Don't taunt the enemy in /all chat. They will focus you, and you will die.

12. Not allowed to backdoor an inhibitor while the entire team is turtling. You're doing it wrong.

13. No longer allowed to start PvP matches at 4:30 AM. Nobody appreciates a match that starts 'join this quick!' and ends an hour and a half later with, 'please, God, let this game end.'

14. No, actually, you don't have to use an ultimate to kill someone who's five feet away and has 50 HP left.

15. Not allowed to call for help and then kill all potential threats before help gets there.

16. Stealing baron is great. Stealing baron while you're the only one alive on your team is not great. Stealing baron only to give the enemy the ace is very, very bad.

17. Never, ever tower dive Jax as melee. Especially if you don't have a Sword of the Divine.

18. Shut up and buy wards.

19. Don't chase. Especially, don't chase through the jungle. See #7.

20. Not allowed to predict outcome of match at loading screen.

1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40

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