
Friday, July 15, 2011

10 Things Nekhs is Not Allowed to Do in a Game of LoL

1. The Turret is not my friend.

2. No longer allowed to have Shen Bot on my team in Custom Games Vs. Friends.

3. No longer allowed to backdoor all three of the enemy's inhibitors in a 1v1 custom match and then go solo Baron just because I can't actually beat the enemy in 1v1. While effective, forcing your friend to do his best Scarface impression is only funny to you.

4. Not allowed to kill Revive Rally Jungle Soraka in the 2v1 Custom Game Vs. Friends, even though Destiny shows me exactly how close she is to getting blue buff.

5. Likewise, not allowed to kill all three inhibitors in a normal PvP match and then go do Baron while the Super Minions kill the enemy Nexus.

6. Not allowed to Gate up to the enemy's fountain to get that kill, even if it would be was hilarious that one time.

7. There are always three enemies and a mushroom in any bush. No exceptions.

8. Actually, yes, Jungle Veigar will kick your ass, stop laughing.

9. Not allowed to play free or new champions for the first time ever in PvP matches.

10. Also not allowed to play Nocturne in Custom Games Vs. Friends. It isn't fair.

1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40

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